Thursday, October 12, 2017

Houston and Harvey

I'm late, very late, in reporting this, but Houston Grand Opera's house, the Wortham Theater Center, was flooded and badly damaged by Hurricane Harvey a few weeks ago. The Theater Center, which contains more than one auditorium, will be closed until at least May, 2018. The press release is very clear that the May date is the best-case scenario.

Meanwhile, HGO has that can-do spirit and rapidly announced that they'd be performing their first three operas at what they're calling the HGO Resilience Theater @ George R. Brown Convention Center. That's a mouthful, but hooray! If SF Opera could survive 18 months out of the War Memorial Opera House 20 years ago while renovations and earthquake work were being done, well, HGO can do what it needs to do, if under worse - unplanned - circumstances.

The three operas scheduled for the mouthful-house are La Traviata, Julius Caeser, and The House Without a Christmas Tree. No word yet on production number four: Elektra.

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